Sunday, December 24, 2017

That Awkward Waiting

That Awkward Waiting
Sermon, December 24, 2017 (Advent 4)
Church of the Advent, Cincinnati
Luke 1:26-38

-A few weeks ago, on Advent 1, Rev. Stacy preached about Kairos and Chronos, two Greek words for time that remind us that God’s time is not the same as our time. The Church’s time is not the same as society’s time. It seems to me that we’ve been feeling this particularly strongly in the last month or so. 
-I’m willing to bet that for some of us here, the tree is up, and the stockings are hung. The mistletoe is out and the presents are already under the tree. All of that is well and good, after all it is December 24th, but what’s odd is that today, what you’ve just heard, is the first mention this season of a virgin named Mary, a carpenter named Joseph, and an angel with a message that would surprise us all.

-You’ll notice, that I didn’t read anything in the Gospel about a birth, or Bethlehem, or a baby, or a manger, or shepherds or kings. All that will come later. And when you come back at 4pm today, we will continue the story together. But for now, we’re still in the expectation of Advent. 

-After all, this is Church of the Advent after all, and we’re going to enjoy our season until the end! But it’s not just us, the whole Episcopal Church and many others are experiencing this very same moment. In society it’s been the Christmas season for some time now, but for those of us in the church, we wait with patient expectation for what is to come, remembering the anxious stirring of an arrival but we do not know exactly when, or what, it will be.

-Take a moment with me - look at today’s Gospel and shout out a word or phrase from it that sticks out to you. Anything from the Gospel - shout it out.

-What’s it like when you have to wait for something you really want? What does it feel like? what’s so hard about it?

-This is the end of the waiting. Like kids everywhere will sit sleepless tonight, waiting, wondering, hoping, dreaming of what may await them in the morning, so all of us are at this very moment. 

-The waiting is hard for all of us, no matter how young or old we may be. We want to get straight to the tree, to open the gifts, to sing our favorite Christmas songs and share a Christmas meal. But we’re not there quite yet. God tells all of us to wait just a little bit longer. 

-So wait with us, friends, just a few more hours. Pray, and prepare with us for the birth of a new reality in our world. The reward is more than worth the wait. 


Sunday, December 10, 2017

Penitential Advent - Metanoia

Penitential Advent - Metanoia
Sermon, December 10, 2017
Church of the Advent, Cincinnati
Mark 1:1-8

-Amidst the joyful outside energy of the world preparing for Christmas, you'd expect we might be reading the beginning of one of the Christmas narratives. Maybe the annunciation, etc. But instead our lectionary reminds us that we're not there yet.

-instead we have what seems the complete opposite: the grizzled terrifying looking john the baptist not saying "hooray" but saying "repent"! The guy is a total downer!

-John has 2 claims to fame: "prepare the way of the lord" which we talk about this week and next week, and the baptism of Jesus which usually shows up in  late Jan or Early Feb. but today I want to highlight something else, and it's that word "repentance".

-Advent is one of 2 of what's called "penitential" seasons, along with Lent which is much better known for being about Sin. But while Advent is about preparing for the birth of Christ and a new beginning, it's about doing that by clearing out the sin in our spiritual houses to make room for the entrance of Christ into our world.

-"penitence" and "repent" come from the Latin for "to feel sorry for". The Greek, however goes deeper. The Greek "metanoia" actually means "second-thought" or "change of heart/mind". That's what repentence really is - it's a complete change of life, a 180 degree shift that changes us from the inside out, not just a smattering of guilt.

-Perhaps it comes at a perfect time. Even those who are not religious, toward the end of the calendar year begin to take stock of themselves and look to change in the new year. We Christians get an early start.

-There's so much individually and collectively that we need to really examine as deep and persistent sin. Sexual harassment, racism, economic injustice, mistreatment of the poor, the immigrant, the refugee, extreme violence, the threat of war, on and on and on until it can get overwhelming. It seems to get worse every day. I know some who wake up in cold sweats in the middle of the night over this and so many other truly horrible faults.

-Blue Christmas, sometimes guilt, sorrow or other grief. This may be one way to move toward healing in this Advent season. Take time away, get out of the hustle for a day or a few hours just to pray, spend time with God. Truly repent and make amends to those you may have harmed.

-And get active! Make your voice heard against injustice when and where you see it! Not only repent privately, but call for repentence publicly in politics, in the media, in the economy, in every aspect of society!

-The good news is just as John says - the one who is greater is coming soon! For us that means joy and the opportunity for forgiveness and redemption. Repentence is actually a good and maybe even joyful thing because it means the possibility for a second chance to right what we've done wrong.

-That's the penitential spirit of Advent. Amen